Friday, June 30, 2017

It's 30 June - I've been back in the country for 2 years.

Two years since I arrived back to Australia.

It's gone quickly.

Has it been a good move? Yes and no.

New garden item 2

I saw this several weeks ago and thought I could make something of it. So today I bought and spray painted it.

Positioned so.

I like.

New garden item 1

I exchanged a mirror which I had not opened or used, at Tivity in town, for this sign. I think it's great, and will use it around the yard for patches where the chickens wreck it when under my bro's vehicle. Anthony moves his trailer around, so the grass can recover.

Washing line shambles

Used for the first time this morning.

Things look a bit of a jumbled mess, I know, but at least it looks vibrant and lived in. Someone is definitely there and doing things!

It will get better - the position of the line is temporary and will change. All things in good time.

When I consider that the house first looked this this when I moved in, less than 2 years ago, all will be fine.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

New brackets on the front

I wanted to have two more hanging baskets at the front to put draping plants in - all the same and matching, so I had Tye from Fallon 50 put two more up this morning. Will take a front view when I have the baskets installed.

This is the current side view, showing the brackets in situ.

Trimmed the jasmine, and bark for 'John's garden' #2

I pruned the jasmine back - I will have to be careful to ensure it remains 'espaliered' onto the wall and wire, not falling forward.

Also, I am considering bark for the surface of the front garden, just to contain the weeds and make it look neater. The metal fence needs painting too. I'm considering a 'forest green' colour.

Veggie bed progress: #3

They are doing just fine - I have large flowers on the zucchini's which is fun to see. I have already eaten about 4 small flowers in an omelette - lovely.
I have also had a salad with my own lettuce varieties, coriander and parsley. So good!

Veggies IN #2

After 6 bags of potting mix - for each bay  - plus compost and horse poo, and mulch.
$2.45 per bag of potting mix.

New from Sherwood Vinnies

A little plaque, all 'Frenchie' and pretty. Anne pointed out the perfect spot for it!!

Next up - tiling

For kitchen and laundry - backsplashes. I will use Fallon 50 again for the job - soon.

John recovers my outdoor dining chairs

They look sooo much better now!



John working on the chair seats.

 So much lighter and brighter!

Second towel rack up in bathroom + update

Put up by Tye (from Fallon 50) this morning.

I am so pleased to have somewhere else to dry things, and I don't think it's too far jutting out over the bath space.

I will paint the back brace to match the wall soon - white.

Finally painted the towel rack (Dec, 2018):

Washing line up

Unfortunate location - too public, but full of sun, so hopefully it won't be long till I renovate and it will be shielded behind a wall!

Tye put it up, from Fallon 50.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Tiina is desexed

Tiina was done last Tuesday 20 June, at 6 months old.

She's recovering well. She was also microchipped. The other two have been done already (both desexed and microchipped).