Thursday, November 30, 2017

Can it look like this? Utilities walk + updates

Leading to this...

14 August 2020 -  it's coming along slowly. All will be better when the garage is built and the junk can go into it (but not the kitties!).

The way they were - Garden progress report

Front side garden (John's Garden / John's Jungle) :

Max stump grinder doing his thing in 2015-

And that same area now:

The back neighbour's fence, 2015:

and now in 2017: I need more ficus on that fence, and German Ivy I say.

The corner of the streets, in 2015:

And now - I have some privacy being established:

5 Dec 2017:

Latest climbing rose in

Planted it round the side-at the back, in the beds. I think it's red, but I've lost the tag. Maybe it's pink. We shall see!

I'm a-gonna paint the fence black, one day. And attach chicken wire for things to grow over. I need to buy a drill.

Two more palms in

More golden canes - hope their locations look ok when they're bigger. The first ones I put in are HERE.

Around the corner, there are some huge golden canes in gardens (almost everyone has one!) - like this one:

Side garden - oleanders planted !

Planted my two bought white oleanders (from Marie, at the local market). They look pretty good here, despite the weeds! I hope they will look great in amongst the frangis and birds of paradise.

Ignore the weeds!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Karen tribal rain drum

Look how expensive they are!

More info about the cultural use HERE 

Mine: (no frogs)


First Christmas cracker bon-bon

...with a gentle pink geranium from a cutting I received from who-knows-where, and my struck oleander bits.

Some pics from Orion Shopping Centre, Springfield. My first manger this year...

Christmas decs in the eating area

Magnolia at Churchie

Perhaps this is what I can look forward to, with mine (eventually).

This is mine, at the moment!