Monday, March 26, 2018

Early days

I hate those photos. Most of the time I was unhappy, confused and angry. I felt like I had to be something and I didn't know what it was. I know believe this came from my mother, trying to govern how I should be. She and I are very different and I could never be what she wanted.

Me in Grade 8 at school in Singapore -

and I am still pensive now, especially when on holidays with her, something I do not like to do much. She restricts me.

Monday, March 19, 2018

John's Garden #6 grows + update

Frangis have grown. Now longing for the oleanders to get bigger, and the birds of paradise!

After the reno, this area has not yet fully recovered. I have work still to do. 28 Sept 2018.

Pink Coral climbs

Trunk of poinciana #2 + updates

Look how thick it is NOW! Lots of rain lately has thickened up the leaves.

30 Sept 2018 - Sadly we've had drought for months now, and the tree has thinned out substantially, leaf-wise. Of course, it does that over winter too.
It is now Spring. There has been some rain today, and I notice the tree has some new shoots, but only on one branch, so far.

Drought affected still - 29 Jan, 2019: She hasn't grown as much as I would have liked, by now.

Update 17 March 2019:

I think she's looking manificent and 'homage to the tree'!

Look how well she is doing now and how tall are the red robins, AND...the pink coral has covered the high fence. I'm loving all the foliage!

23 Sept, 2019 - Drought again and thinning out leaves. But looking up, she is magnificent still.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The eagle has fallen - at work

Perhaps so much rain has fallen, and the strong wind this morning put too much strain on the mounting?

How it should look:

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Little green ginger jar

Bought online from @visualimpactinteriors on IG.

Found garden magazines

Lots of reading in these. I had them packed away from my Albury days. Can't recall how I acquired them. They are a bit wet from rain, but will dry out ok, and have some good reading therein.

African violets

These seem to have taken off in their little incubator. I'm pleased as they are so pretty, and involve no work at all!

Fav wall plaque

I've had this since my Albury days. I had it sitting on the front fence here, although it deteriorated over the years, the concrete would become crumbly, and it would hang lopsided.

Eventually, some bad weather wind slammed it onto the ground, and it broke into several pieces. I tried to stick it together with concrete glue (attempts can be seen in the top photos) no avail.

I finally had to throw it out. Now I'm looking for something similar.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Henning fixes my taps

I have had all sorts of problems since I moved in, from tap ends falling off, to leaky washers.
Recently I was outside, whipper-snipping when a truck stopped. It was Henning (Anthony's friend) who said 'gee it's not often you see a girl whipper-snipping'. He's very old-fashioned.

Anyway, I asked him if he would come look at my taps sometime, and he finally came this weekend (last). It is good to have them done, and no longer being a pain in the a___.

Wet day in the garden

Sooo much rain this March!

From what it was!