Monday, October 29, 2018

Moved the dwarf crepe myrtles

The ground was very moist from recent rains, so here's hoping they survive the transplant process. One is pink and in flower. I have no idea what colour the other one is - yet!

10 Nov - the pink one is looking good, and has recovered from the move, I think. Multiple waterings have encouraged it to flower.

This one needs a prune to help it recover, I reckon (below).

1 Nov 2019 - the one nearest the large brown pot near the left gate (from inside), is quite tiny. It's a pretty cerise colour.

Blue salvias + updates

Mum's are such a beautiful colour, I thought I would plant some myself. 
I need more to fill this bed though.

Update 12 Nov 2018: looking lovely although I will have to repot them now, as I want to rake this spare soil over the lawn, from the old garden beds. I decided I didn't want them to clutter up the lawn any more.

26 Nov 2018: I decided to get rid of these garden beds, smooth over the soil and redistribute it, and move the salvias. I hope they grow still. Mum reckons they keep coming back, so...

Planted the blue salvia in the garden, some in a pot. Also added one of Mum's red salvias - so pretty!
15 July 2019 - the first red flower is up.

Lovely, but still so small!

15 Sept 2019 - lovely and big now!

Front fence, with pink coral + updates

The pink coral is slowly coming back into flower, and is climbing further up my new taller fence.

10 Nov - lots of new growth!

Here's how it is looking 21 Nov 2018: Coming along and growing up there very nicely!

25 Nov 2018:

25 March 2019: still burgeoning

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Tutti meditating

 and sleeping!

My precious girl.

New old cane lounge

Drove out to Laidley (such a long way, and too far away from anything else) to collect this cane lounge, for a bargain price.

It just tidies up the area alot.

Planted my bit of tropical rainforest

I want a bit of rainforest up the back, to provide a view-barrier from my neighbours. So I finally got around to planting several pot-bound plants into the ground.

From left to right: water plant, frangipani, fountain, ivory curl tree, weeping bamboo, water plant, golden cane palm, banana palm at the rear, mulberry tree, rubber plant, strelitzia nicholai, and another golden cane plant. I'll have to keep an eye on these to control their shapes as they grow so close together.

L-R: Golden cane, the pink plant, and then a golden cane.

L-R: my blakeana galpini, widow's peak or snake plant, and golden cane.

There were many tree roots to break through.

Me, sweating and digging.

My feline companion in dirty jobs!

20 Nov 2019 -  the frangi at the back is doing well - 

7 April 2020 - the strelitzia looks like it's about to flower!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Milk on the garden

I had some curdled light (fat-free) milk in the fridge - couldn't use it for my morning coffee, so chucked it on the rose - noticing the second flower today. Apparently milk has good antibacterial properties for gardens, and roses in particular, re-black spot.

Two helpful sites:

It's also good for tomatoes, preventing blossom end rot. It enriches soil health, and keeps aphids away. Who knew?!

Spanish moss in flower!

I have never seen or known 'grandfather's beard' to flower, ever. But I noticed this morning some little green appendages on mine, on the fence nearest the road. I was so surprised, thinking some other leaves had become tangled in the moss, but no - it IS flowering! So great to see.

I did not know that this plant (tillandsia) is a relative of bromeliads, and pineapples! Apparently, it propagates also by seed - I am looking forward to checking for those. I'll collect them, and see if they will grow.

Tiny seed pods!

The seeds out of the pod are supposed to look like this - we'll have to wait and see!