Friday, December 27, 2019

Brother packs to leave

I am sad to see him go, but I know he'll be happier, and that makes me feel better. Him and his dogs.

He gave me this fan, which I will repay later -

and I bought his older washing machine from him for $350.

9 Jan 2020 -  He visited again tonight, after having been flown up by his company to attend a Board Meeting. (Nimrod Resources).

11 Jan 2020 - Here he is taking Mum to John's in his borrowed work van. He catches a flight back to Sydney and Cobar tomorrow morning.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Today I felt exhausted

and so I had a very lazy day. Was in bed for most of it. Mum went to Anne's alone. Dubbs has decided to leave and go back to Cobar. It's all pretty emotionally exhausting, being involved with them all.

Christmas Day 2019