Thursday, December 10, 2020

Shade, finally

 At last some shade is appearing from the trees. I would love to see the frangis grow big, tall and shady but who knows with them, as they are so brittle.

Bauhinia book-tree Nov - Dec 2020

 Dec 10 - 

Dec 9 - 

Dec 8 - Rain!

Nov 23 - Seeds collected from the ground from the tree. Sold on Facebook - 10 seeds for $1.

Nov 13 - just bare branches and sagging seed-pods!

Nov 4 - a few returning green leaves

Friday, November 27, 2020

Multicolours in front garden

 These photos were taken early in the morning, about 6am. The light wasn't great, but I was struck by how lovely were all the foliage and flower colours in and on the surrounding trees and bushes.

Poinciana flowering - Nov 2020

 27 Nov 2020 - It's just beginning to flower again for the second time!

10 Dec - 

Rain lillies 2020

 This is the first time I have seen these this year. I have watered them quite a bit, but earlier in the year, they did not flower at all, as far as I can remember.

28 Nov 2020 - Flowers open!