Saturday, February 29, 2020

Friend Kerry Lindquist

My friend Kerry who lives at Bundamba often has garden parties and open gardens. Hers is a real wild delight with loads of pots and ornaments.

 I went there today and bought a little pottery dragonfly, and hung it on the jasmine out the back.

1 March 2020 - I moved the dragonfly - it was weighing down the rack upon which the jasmine is growing. I've put it on the ficus - nicer.

I mowed the lawn this afternoon

It looks so peaceful when it is tidy. I even lay flat-out on the green and it was lovely, cool and peaceful looking up at the sliver of moon.

Mum's rose

She gave me this one just as was leaving, this morning.

New plants

I have places to put all of these and I look forward to putting them in.

John's Garden + updates

11 April 2020 -

14 August 2020 - I can see progress and new growth!

Side of house shots

Cherry allamanda Feb 2020 - March 2021

March 2021 - There have been many rains and lo! She is tall and glorious!

Feb 2020 - She has enjoyed the recent rains and has brown very tall. Lovely.

Garden path photos

Golden cane

Little worlds -

Fishtail updates

Feb 2020 - She's beautiful straight and tall, and latest new leaves will take her to fence height. Exciting!
This area is becoming a jungle just as I wanted it to be. I'm happy with the idea of trimming off extra growth rather than waiting for it to appear!

5 March 2020 - She is getting so tall now! The recent rainfall has helped bring her on, and the latest new leaf is fence-high!

5 April - Higher than the fence now!

21 April - now sending up new leaves which are taller than the fence!

22 April, 2020 - 

19 August 2020 - 

29 Nov - a big new leaf about to be born - 

Creative rocks and shells