Saturday, May 30, 2020

Front door pots

I finally managed to find the time and energy to repot these ficus standards into the pots I had bought for them, ages ago, maybe even last year. I think the slimmer, more upright shape suits the area better.

Better than the older black plastic pots, I reckon. (The below pic from 26 Oct, 2019).

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Driveway ideas

I noticed this cross-hatched driveway yesterday - rather like this pattern and effect.

28 May 2020
Cost is the thing. I want the house remodelled but more immediately, I need a driveway that is not messy. It might be an idea to do the wheel tracks first as concrete?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Taffy, post-op

27 May 2020 - She seems pretty good now. She is very needy though, and almost never leaves my side. Here she is, listening to some relaxing cat music, via Youtube, beside me. I quite like it too - very relaxing.

May 24, 2020: A very tired kitty -

Earlier in the day - she my lovely girl.

Tutti on the staircase

26 May, 2020 - The back garden is a bit of an eyesore, given the staircase is still there. But it will eventually be used. Right now, the kitties love sitting under the cover in the warmth and shade. This is the first time I have seen Tutti sitting on the top of it, basking in the sun.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Unnamed plants that I would like

Not sure what these are -

Apparently called 'Snowflake', and blooms in the winter in QLD.

Apparently a version of 'Bleeding Heart'.

I asked a local Facebook Gardener's Forum what these plants were - 

More about 'Snowflake' -

More about 'Bleeding Heart' -

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Planted two more frangis

These are twigs pinched from gardens in the neighbourhood. I am so looking forward to them being big and tall, and shady.

One is a delicate pink and so is the other. Slightly different shades though. They will just be sticks for a long time yet.

Euodia progress, May - Nov 2020

Put the euodia in the ground this arvie, in the spot I had chosen some time ago.

1 June 2020 - I spy a new leaf at the top! I do hope that means it has taken and is growing.

12 July 2020 -  I check on that new shoot almost each day! Here she is - I made sure I put the mulch from Saturday's mow on the soil to keep the moisture in, around the base and roots of the plant. 

8 Aug 2020 - 

29 Oct - 
It kinda went bad and died back to a stick. I have kept it in a pot hoping that it might shoot back.
Here it is to date - there are tiny shoots. I hope it lives as I love this tree.

2 Nov 2020 - Going to give it some potash today, to try to speed things along.

10 Nov 2020 - I planted it, above Taffy's grave. I watered it well with some potash also. 
The little leaves are there, it just has to grow.

1 Dec 2020 - I think this one has died, and I will have to order another one from Daley's Nursery.

Here is the one from school, taken today. Not in flower. I wanted to see what it looked like without flowers.

Sunday arvo tea at Cafe 37

Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

Mum and I went to Cafe 37 in Bundamba to have arvo tea today (Sunday arvo, 1,15pm). Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

Thirty-Seven Café Bundamba

It was quite nice. We had a pistachio and raspberry friand, and coffees. Lovely.

Garden decor

Laundry shelf

Needs painting white, and styling properly.

Shiny thing

I bought this from 'shinythingsau' on Instagram.

She is Wendy Moore, PO Box 903, Kuranda, FNQ 4881.

I love it's substantial size and the colours. It was expensive though: $45 plus $15 postage = $60. I had to go through with the purchase, to keep my word.

19 October 2020 -  I added a small blue square to the mirrored section -