Thursday, October 29, 2020

Electrical upgrade

 Alinta Energy arranged for an electrician to come and give me an updated meter instead of the old one. Bloke called Brad, his own business, based in Hattonvale. Said he was replacing meters in many older houses around this area.


 Pictures of persistence and resilience:

May 2019 - 

Oct 2020 - 

Front garden frangi growth, Spring and Summer 2020 -


Frangis in John's Garden, Oct 2020

 Recent heavy rains have helped add a new colour (green!) and stimulated some pleasing growth here.

The frangis are looking tall and I hope the next season will bring them taller than the fence - they are almost there.

26 Nov 2020 - Frangis are getting tall! The red frangi is already peeking above the fence line. I'm hoping for the other one, a fruit-salad to do the same this season.

Scenes from the garden after heavy rain

 We've had storms for the last few days, and the rain has been so, so welcome. Almost instantly, the front lawn went green!! Plants look less parched and although the ground is a sodden, muddy mess, I am very grateful that everything has had a good, long drink.

Front garden, Wed 28 Oct about 4pm. Sky darkening for a downpour. 
Grass already looking much greener!

Morning, 29 Oct, about 7am

The sopping wet utilities area at the back, afternoon of 27 Oct, before another downpour.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020






 1 Nov 2020 -  I have had this plant for some time, but she does not seem to want to do much. I am at a loss as to what to do next - I have replaced the soil, fed her with potash. Perhaps she needs just the right area to grow.

Post 60 clothes

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Ending of class year at work

So, today, Fri 23 October is Yr 12's last day of school lessons. It seems amazing - my 2 Yr 12 English classes, plus the Extension group are over.

It's such a feeling of relief, that is all finishing, and that the stress and worry of teaching them, and giving them all the content they need, is over.

I feel so elated that my time here is almost gone, but also a sense of wonder at home much I have learned during this year.

Not one of the students in the classes taken from me have improved in their results from what I gave them. SO much for the others being 'far-superior' teachers (my words, not theirs). Hear this VFE. And while you're at it, lose half your body weight and your knees might not be such a problem. 

So, I can move on in confidence knowing that I am on the right track as a teacher. Bastards.

Pretty soon, the Year 10 Multi-modal Presentation Assessment will be over and done, marked and reports done. 
After that it will be just baby-sitting until Nov 27 when they leave. 
So good to contemplate not caring about kids any more.

I just feel excited for a less-stressed future, for ME. All I have to do until the end is babysit really.