Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Straya Day

 Woke late having binge watched 'Bridgerton' on Netflix last night.

Vacced the car up at Winston Glades. Then cleaned interior at home.

It was a hot day (34C), so went to Brothers with Mum and John. Had spring rolls and two beers. Bewdy mate.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Second (third?) snake

 I found this on the carpet in the hall this morning, brought in by Tutti last night. I could see she was fascinated by something but could not see what it was.

So, another snakey thing. This is the second white crowned snake found here, and the third snake. Getting scarey. At least she killed it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Millionaire's strip

 Years ago, way back in 2016, I mused about having a lovely green lawn one day.

Now, I have it! With all the rain lately, my lawn has greened up a treat, and I love walking on it, in bare feet. I especially like the kidney weed which is growing through the grass. So cute.

Kidney weed - dichondra repens

21 Nov 2021 -

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Back garden is good and done

 For all intents and purposes, the back garden is done. The plants and shade-trees are growing around the edge; the bark garden which will be hedge eventually, around the bird-bath, is all planted, and edged; and all I want to do is make sure the lawn is nice grass and mown.

I'm pretty pleased with it at this early stage.I want to plant a pink and a white frangipani on the edges of the shed, for shade, with the figgy in the middle, espaliered. 

I still need to lay the drainage pipe and agi-fabric behind the shed and this side of the retaining wall, as well as fill it in with extra soil. I have been putting it off as I am scared of not doing it right. However, after recent heavy downpours, and no flooding problem into the shed from the retaining wall at the back, as far as I can see, I don't think I need to worry too much. It will just help with extreme run-off.

It has been worth the long wait, the experimentation, and the hard work.

24 Jan 2021 - This top end is growing so painfully slowly. Maybe the soil needs some serious feeding.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Can you say 'profusion'?


This kitty is a climber

 The others did not climb, but this one is!

Older kitties, lolling about, Dec 2020 to Jan 2021


More new baby kitty Rose

 From Dec 2020 to Jan 2021 -

She has begun to lap water from the container in the bathroom, which is good. I keep it fresh and clean.

And, good news, she has begun to sleep with Tutti and not annoy her!

21 Nov 2021 - 

22 Nov 2020 -  I wormed her this morning (Capstar tab) but she sicked up all over my bed! Had to wash the sheets again.

30 March 2021 - This baby has grown so much. Here she is cavorting around outside the gate as I prepare to leave home to drive to work.