Monday, April 11, 2022

Dubbs here for Easter hol

Those lovely big boys (all 3!) are here again!
And then he had to leave again, sob sob.

Winter arrived overnight!

This is the thrid foggy morning we've had so far this year, but this time it feels cold too, like winter is announcing her arrival!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Notes from the neighbours

Bernie and Jeanette's 60th Wedding Anniversary Bash (held 9 April)

Lyndall asked me to come so I did. Held at Queens Park, Ipswich. It was lovely putting names to faces. Tha ctual date is the 13th April.

Bye bye galpinni

After 7 years of growth, I decided it was time to get rid of this lovely plant. It was just starting to take over and I couldn't keep control over it any longer. Bernie and Jeanette came over to help tear it out and remove it. The stump is still there but I'll ask Mr Trees to come get it and grind up the bits for the garden another time. So, there she goes...
The rest of the day was a balmy afternoon!