Friday, December 29, 2023

Pink Trumpet Tree update

in regard to ur non-blooming tree. I found if u hit it w/ a super bloomer in April, then organics such as a bone meal etc. in spring only, u will get blooms. don't water tree, it likes neglect, don't hang plants on the limbs cause u need to water those & u want ur tababuia to dry out near winter time. Ironite or similar 1x in the yr. is also good. I love this tree & have taken special care to make sure mine bloom. ") Pink Trumpet Tree update:

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Bought a new hose

from Hoselink, 30m. Supposedly non-kinking and I have the attachments already. Really need this for the back garden area. Will use the old one for the front.