Friday, July 7, 2023

I painted the back lattice.

Cheryl next-door put lattice panels atop the back fence between her place and mine, to prevent her large dogs from jumping over into y yard. I was pleased as I think it looks better and willstop all sorts of intruders. I have today started to paint it Dulux Domino. I think it looks great and makes the greenery and flowers pop.

Started painting the new lattice

New lattice section to create privacy around the carport. Terry TQP did it, and will come back to complete the back lattice in September. I have decided to paint the 'white' bits of the house all in ColourBond Surf Mist and the trims in Dulux Domino. I like how the surfmist matches the shed colour.

New loo installed!

I went through and washed the walls, filled in holes in wall and have painted over any marks. Now the loo is installed it looks goos. Cost $858. Terrible price. However, it is there orevernow. It's actually a bit too tall for me, so thinking about what to do to deal with that. Church kneeler to put my feet on?

Pruning the arch rose and stabilising the arch

I decided to stabilise it as it was on a very serious slanty angle. Had to trim the old rose plant and then dig the dirt out around the legs, in order to cement them into place, and make sure they were angled straight up. I started last week with one side, and finished sort-of today, lthough I need more cement to make a stronger tie-down on the fence side. Hopefully, it will last some time.