Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This day last year

A year ago, (2023), John was well enough to go to the Ekka with Mum.
This year he is in a nursing home, and has vascular dementia. So sad. Last year seems like a very long time ago, where he is concerned.

Late Autumn Garden pics

It has become suddenly cold, expecially in mornings and a bit coller at nights. Heaters out! Slippers on! Hot water bottles in the bed!

Multicultural Festival 2024 at Calamvale

This was the best we have had yet - it was a pleasant day, did not have to shout at one single kid at all, and plenty of fun, food and stuff. there are 74 nationalities at this school.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May weather 2024

It has been so warm, considering it is Autumn. I am almost always hot, and the temperatures have not come down yet. This is the forecast for the following week ahead:
Very different to other years here! Still in the 20's! I am grateful, as I hate the cold, but the trees are a bit confused. The frangis have flowers as well as rusted leaves littering the ground!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Visiting Uncle Martyn

Martyn and Gail flew up to Brisbane this weekend to spend time with Kristian and Rebecca. I went to see them, specifically him, so I could be with him one more time before anything worse happens. He has been so ill with fybromyalgia, and other ailments, probably caused by his time in Vietnam amongst chemical contaminants. Here are the photos from today.