Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ms White Crepe Myrtle appears again for the new season!

Suddenly the small shoots appear!

Friend of the Mulberries

Natasha Caeron from CCC and her so Duncan Yr 9, and daughter Steffi, Yr 7, came to pick mulberries on a lovely sunny day in the September holidays.
Then we had banana cake and cups of tea and a chat.

Monday, September 16, 2024

New air con

FInally, the old one is out and the new one in. Glad to have it finally replaced - I hated that big thing, and never dusted it once in nine years! (I did clean the filters though, and it was great in winter for warmth before I left for school).

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Guys and Dolls performance

Went to lunch with Edith and Jennifer Litzow, Mum's friend and her daughter, and then to see Guys and Dolls stage performance. It was ok.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Mulberry galette (pie) for Kris' birthday

Kris turned 34 recently, so, as it was mulberry season, I made a couple of galettes, and brought them in to school for a morning tea. We all enjoyed (Kris, Shelagh, Michelle, Kirsty, Kara, Andrew and myself).

Front garden photos