Thursday, January 14, 2016

Front garden

This (above) was the front corner garden early on. I've since put hay down, moved the red robins back to make a hedge, a lily-pilly (one of the three) has died, and generally the plants have grown more. I've helped them along with regular waterings and fertiliser.

My wish is that they will grow strongly and fast, so I can have some privacy from the road.

Update 19 Jan - I bought a fourth lily-pilly from the previous Sunday market and planted it to make the three-in-a-row (Moira, Jenny and Anne).

Originally, I put the poinciana here. But I thought the shade would be better appreciated towards the corner garden, so I moved it there.

It seems to be doing quite well there, with regular growth from the center. I am chopping off the lower branch tendrils so I can hopefully create the 'divide' of the trunk higher up the main stalk.

I put a flame tree in the place where the poinciana. Trouble is, the ground is such foul soil there with little drainage. I need to dig a bigger hole with some potting mix and compost and try it again. It's just not sprouting any new growth there at present, at all. Poor thing. I hope it doesn't die. I think it's just hanging on.

Thinking I'll put it in the large red pot and look for my favorite Chinese cinnamon tree to go here.  

March 2019 - 

The Flame Tree and the Poinciana

17 July 2020 - 

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