Saturday, January 16, 2016

Guest Bedroom

Which is a mess at the moment with all my clothes from winter and from overseas in bags all over. However, here's a few pics of the cats on the bed when I first got it (the bed frame) cut down by Andrew the neighbour, and made the bed up. It needs a mattress but hey ho.

I bought this gorgeous tray today so guests can put their jewellery on it, all in one place (sandal shown for size purposes only ;-).

I don't really fancy doilies but I might put one in the middle of this to cushion blows of jewellery hitting the tin surface, but this covers up the design. (Solution: put it up on the wall as decor).

Anyway, as mentioned at the top, this is what the room looks like today. Embarrassing - but I am too lazy to do anything about it right now. Need to put the Christmas decs away too. Sigh.

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