Friday, January 29, 2016

I moved the crepe myrtle

So, I had previously moved this poor plant to about 3 locations. Today, it finally found it's growing place! Near the fence on the front side, right of the front gate. The whole front looks more balanced now, with plants placed at even intervals along the fence line. They are all pretty ones too, with pink flowers, when they flower!

Red bougainvillea, tibouchina, pink (I think) crepe myrtle, and pink bougainvillea. I want to train the bougainvilleas over my high fence when I get it.

It will, when it is bigger, block the view from the corner diagonally opposite, as you approach by road, and will hide the corner mess of chicken coop and so on. 

Fortunately, we had a bit of a storm, short-lived, but it dumped with rain, and I am happy that all my plants, and specifically this one, had a bit of liquid encouragement.

Below is a picture from HERE which shows exactly how I plan to shape this plant. I like the higher stalk look.

So, grow, baby, grow!

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