Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Climbing the walls - ficus #2

This ficus creeper took so long to become established - I actually thought it was going to die for a while there.

Then suddenly, it 'took', and even better, suddenly, it began to climb the wall behind it, which is the reason I bought it in the first place. I can't seem to find the 'traditional' or 'normal' ficus - the green one which used to be everywhere. I can only see these 'frosty' ones which have the white around the edge of the leaves (which this one is, above).

I love the ficus - they cover up ugly garden spots. I'm glad this is finally growing a bit more. Not sure how well it will do, or how high it will get.

I did make a request at my local nursery about this and some other plants - had a call from them today to say the 'normal' ficus are being cultivated and should be ready in about a month. She will give me a call then, and I will make sure I get about 4 of them, to spread all over the place! (walls and fences).

Update 3 Oct 2016:

This particular 'frosty' ficus still isn't doing so well. They seem to prefer being in the ground. I'm going to feed it a bit more then find a place in the garden for it, on a wall or something.

This is a new Buddha statue that I bought this year. Well priced from Nexus News at Riverlink.

Update: 4 Sept 2017:

I sold the Buddha in August 2017. Decided it was not my look after all.
The little ficus has responded well to waterings of Thrive fertiliser and is growing much better now.

More sunshine in this position too. Perhaps that makes a difference?

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