Friday, February 5, 2016

Council acts

Finally, after two appeals, ICC have come round to examine the corner upon which I live. The sideway (can hardly call it a 'walk', as one would break one's neck, or twist one's ankle - certainly can't jog on it, can't push a pram along it, and I can barely mow it, such is the angle of incline/decline towards the road - I physically cannot push or pull the mower along - it is so potholed and undulating with chunks of concrete and old tree roots within - no one uses it. It's impossible to trevass.

So I wrote to Council asking that they 'do something' preferably build a wall, such as the one made of brick up on the top corner of our block.

The guys (3, older) turned up this morning, and I happened to catch them surveying as I went out to feed the chooks.

They confirmed the Council 'had no money - can't even pay our wages', and that the only thing they would be doing is putting a coating of loam over the holes on the sidewalk. I protested (nicely) that this would surely just wash away with the next rain, but, alas, that's all that was going to happen - at least today. They went off to Sapar's supplies to get the loam, and lo! I caught them a short time later, hand-piling it on the sideway lawn.

"Where's your gadget?", I asked. I thought surely they would have a bob-cat type of machine to do this heavy work for them, but nope - they man-spaded it all along themselves.

Appalling that they have to do it manually, and appalling solution to the problem. It's something done, I suppose. I shall keep complaining about it though.


Thanks for not very much at all, Sheila Ireland.

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