Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New growth - poinciana

2 Feb 2016 - It's doing pretty well, and I'm so excited to note the new burgeoning growth at the top. All the rain lately, and then searing sun, has helped. I'm liking the way it's going at the moment. It's definitely taller.

I chopped off some of the lower branches so that the trunk grows taller and longer before it inevitably divides into two lobes. 

Update 20 march 2016 - almost a month after the above shot -

Look how much she has grown! She's at the top of the stake now!

From here, she will be permitted to branch off and spread her boughs. I wanted her to have a high trunk-split-line, so that her reach provides lots of shade in front and back.

Update 2019 (Feb 1):

She has grown tall and strong, and I would love that to continue!

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