Friday, March 25, 2016

Discovered a new creeper - want!

Saw this along the highway as I was motoring to work recently - photos is blurred as I was stuck in a traffic jam, crawling along the road and only had seconds to capture the pic. I was attracted by the colour, and the blooms so high flowering in the bushiness.

Did not recognise it at all. Showed the photo to Mum, who thought it must be a double-headed bougainvillea, but nope, I insisted it was not.

Then, driving locally, I spotted it again, in a front garden.

Decided to park the car, and walk up to get a closer look. What a curious plant - the leaves of a bauhinia (book-tree), and the flowers of a poinciana! Lovely coral colour too.

Did some research and it turns out that it IS a bauhinia - b. galpinii.

So I called Little Pee Dee Nursery and spoke with Esme - she did have some in stock, and Maree will bring them to the Ipswich Sunday Market on Sunday, after Easter. I ordered 2.

So exciting. They grow to a good height. Have plans to use them as more shelter from the road.

They say it's a bit of a weed now in Qld. Well, too bad, as I still like it. It's not yet outlawed, so I'm going for it.

I'm thinking some plumbago will be the final plants I need. I was against them for a while as they can look so scraggly, but I reckon the blue colour will be pretty against all the pinks and reds.

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