Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ideas for the smaller dwelling on site


Latest viewing

Went to see the Viceroy's House at the movies, with Mum, last Sunday. Loved the sets and costumes. I know the story has been simplified and glossed over, but it seemed like Churchill was ahead of the game when it came to the division of India. He knew the leaders would not agree (especially the Muslim guy).
I did not like the wife - very British uptight.

Watched Four Corners last night (Monday). Very sad investigation/revelation about the way police handled the siege in the Lindt cafe in Sydney. It is a tragic loss that Katrina Dawson and Tory Johnson were lost through the 'keystone cops' inaction of our police. They are just absolute amateurs. I keep thinking of her and how sad it is, and how frightened but yet brave Tory was.

Trying to get time to read some books. Ha.

My favourite chicken toy below!

I lost a lot of posts

Fiddled around with the blog settings trying to change post labels and consequently lost a lot of posts.

Managed to save some via mobile, and took photos of them, using Mum's mobile. Am going to try to save and recreate the posts, with photos if I can.

That's why many will have post-dates on them.

I sounded so chirpy in some of them. Now I just sound tired!

These pics were taken when I was in Japan. Oct 2014. They just LOVE cats there!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Other foggy morning - 10 April 2017

The frangi in the front garden still has some leaves at this stage (April). 
In the fog photos of just a month later, the leaves have fallen off.

First foggy morning 28/4/2016

What to do to disguise ugly telegraph poles...

This is called 'yarn-bombing'. From tworoadstudies on Instagram in Stockholm.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Second foggy winter in the house

I am approaching two years in the house (in September this year). It will have been 2 years since I returned on June 26 - coming up.

Shapelle Corby returned to Australia this morning.

It's another foggy morning. The second cold winter for me here in the house, although since the insulation went in, it has been much more comfortable temp wise.

I hate winter, but jumped outside quickly this morning to take these photos. Compare them to last year (last photo).

Winter solstice pic 2016. 

Tiina kitty

Hasn't she grown!

She is now 6 months old ( as at 26 May). She gets desexed on June 2.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Great wall of China!

I also bought 40 bricks from Maxine and used them to make a barrier along the front garden. They really need to be dug in, but I have placed them down for the moment. Looks ok, I think.

New garden feature - large bird bath

Bought from Maxine Upton at Goodna - large bird bath, which I plan to have filled with flowers. It was delivered by Mark and Leslie, of 'Man with Ute', Great people.

bird bath - $200
pick up and delivery - $85
40 bricks - $20
potting mix and flower seedlings from Bunnings - $65

What a beauty she is!

With pot mix and flower seedlings in.

Tiina investigates. I scattered a mixture of garlic power and cayenne pepper around the bird bath, to dissuade the cats from pooping in it!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Got the veggies in! #1

From road to dog kennel:

Lettuce combination
Basil - large leaf

Lemon Tree

French Beans
Parsely around orange tree

Need 6 more bags of pot mix and 2 more herb/veg seedlings to fill up the space.

I'm guessing they are going to need some sort of climbing frame and a cover too.

The garden beds came from Paul, $30 each.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

They can do no wrong!

Naughty girls!

Progress of the wall (sweet potato vine)

Potato vine looks fiiiine!

New weather vane ornament

Bought this from The Reject Shop yesterday, $22. Not bad. Painted it white. Looks better.

The 'W' for West is upside down!!

Parkrun #167 - my 4th - 6 May 2017

I was a volunteer this week - tailrunner. I walked the route with a new friend - Karen. We chatted all the way. She's lovely. She and her husband Mark invited me to coffee at Queen's Park cafe afterwards. They had a long table there with all sorts of Parkrun people - I met even more new contacts. Great!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

World Naked Gardening Day 6 May 2017

History and info HERE

And this, from my Beijing friend Alice W. (who is also living in Brisbane now) - ha ha ha!

Friday, May 5, 2017

My chooky girls have their own big beds

They have huge beds - my whole garden between the two of them ;-)
Love this ad!

New veggie seedlings

Bought them plus extra potting mix today.
Plan to sow them tomorrow in the garden beds. Yee - haaa!

What I bought: coriander (cilantro), beans (will need to give them something to climb), beetroot, lettuce (mixed), rocket,


I wish they would grow bigger but the chooks keep eating them! They especially like the white ones.

There's a pineapple growing in my yard!

It's looking pretty good. Although it probably needs to be in a bigger pot (and I need to paint that fence!).