Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Latest viewing

Went to see the Viceroy's House at the movies, with Mum, last Sunday. Loved the sets and costumes. I know the story has been simplified and glossed over, but it seemed like Churchill was ahead of the game when it came to the division of India. He knew the leaders would not agree (especially the Muslim guy).
I did not like the wife - very British uptight.

Watched Four Corners last night (Monday). Very sad investigation/revelation about the way police handled the siege in the Lindt cafe in Sydney. It is a tragic loss that Katrina Dawson and Tory Johnson were lost through the 'keystone cops' inaction of our police. They are just absolute amateurs. I keep thinking of her and how sad it is, and how frightened but yet brave Tory was.

Trying to get time to read some books. Ha.

My favourite chicken toy below!

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