Saturday, June 17, 2017

The house, from a different angle.

Brother and I went to Oxley Nursery to see it for the first time. I didn't like the plants much, nor the prices. On the way home, he drove at my house from a different street, and I could see it from a new angle I don't often see. The house still looks like a little dump (well, it WAS all cheap at $245,000 which was probably the land price), but slowly, slowly the garden is looking better. I'm giving it all my best shot, that's for sure. I need to study these pics to see what needs doing first re-house, and then what next, in what order.

A carpenter bloke is coming out tomorrow afternoon to look at the end lattice on the verandah, but I am beginning to wonder whether anything further will get done - it is so hard to get tradesmen to come and do anything.

I wonder if it's even worth doing. I've been thinking lately of selling and moving to the north side of the city. I'm missing out on so many city events. This town is just too far away.

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