Wednesday, September 27, 2017

First little grapes!

From Dirk's grapevine - the first little clump of tiny grapes. So exciting to see!

Hard to get a good focus as they are still so small! But I was surprised to see them, and very pleased.

I also trimmed (29 Sept) the back walk of overhanging branches of hibiscus and duranta, as they make so much mess when they drop leaves and berries.

It gives the grape vine a chance to get a lot of sun. Wheelbarrow full of clippings! I've yet to add some extra support between the rafters for the new growth on the grapevine.

I later put the clippings in the bin, to go out with the rubbish collection next week. I wish I had a chipper, so I could make mulch out of it all.

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