Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Time for a couple of oleanders? John's Garden #4

Saw this beautiful white oleander this morning, and have investigated taking cuttings so I can grow it as well. Maybe. As they are toxic, I am a bit nervous regarding the cats although I haven't noticed them chewing on any sticks or anything.

For John's Jungle area.

I took some cuttings of the tree near work last night, and here they are, in a vase. I'm trying to get them to strike.

Update 30 Nov, 2017:

I bought two oleanders from the local market. It seemed a faster way to get some growth going. Not sure what I will do with my strikings - maybe put them on the roadside out on the verge, and perhaps next to the cassia when I plant it at the back (plan to come).

Planted the ones I had bought this morning - 

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