Tuesday, October 31, 2017

You Foodz

Recently purchased a selection of these to see how they go, in terms of using them, and being satisfying meals.
Above: Quite salty, and I would prefer the chicken pulled and blended into the rice. The cheese sauce was delish.
 Above: Coconut Curry Bowl -  not enough pasta, needed 'beefing' up with more pasta or green lentils. Sauce was quite free-flowing and I would prefer it thicker.

I gave these to Mum and John, to try:
John tried the above, and apparently did not like them. They look fine to me and I will give them a try another time.
Mum was not overly keen on this although I had a mouthful or so and liked it well enough. They do not think they will order any.

The Tassy Salmon is best eaten fresh - I had nine a few days in the freezer and then defrosted. Not so good - edible but not really great. It also needs the sweet sauce over it, but I would rather the salmon was freshly fried.
The Katsu Curry was good tasting, but I wanted some green in there - sure one could add it, but I would prefer some peas for colour aesthetics.

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