Sunday, January 14, 2018

Cousin Pete's wedding - Bundaleer Rainforest Gardens, Brookfield, Qld.

It was searingly hot day - in some places over 40C.

We (Mum and I) drove out to Chapel Hill and Brookfield to Bundaleer Rainforest Gardens. It was quite a nice surround, but only 2 toilets - for a function centre! The bar was not open when we arrived, and we were sooo hot. No fans, no aircon. The flowers were pretty, and the rainforest looks great in the photos!

We almost melted in the heat, my hair went flop, and were glad when it rained a bit to cool things down. Eventually, the ceremony proceeded (too much on about their dog), and then we had a few drinks before sitting in the marquee for the meal.

I am happy for Pete that he has Ali, and I believe she thinks he's great. Perfect!

Fat stomach, bag too big, hair too short, and all curly in the humidity, and me feeling like crap in the heat!

Isn't this just gorgeous? I'm so happy for Peter that he has someone who obviously adores him, and she's a doctor!

Funniest thing was the sign out in the parking area - life in Australia, hey?!

I was so glad to come home to my girls, and the air con, have a shower and go to bed!

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