Sunday, January 28, 2018

Garden shots today and moved the veggie plots

I managed to mow the front lawn in amongst the rain showers, so it looks neat for another week. altogether though, it is somewhat dry lately - we do need more rain. I spread some lime around to encourage the lawn to take up any organic material nutrients (that's the white patches in the photos).

had been to the local markets in the morning and spent about $100 on plants!! New azaleas, a bromeliad or two (in anticipation of the shade and 'rainforest look' I want to create) and other bits and bobs. All cheap.

I moved the vegie planters around - gave the chooks a treat - they are happy digging and spreading what is left of the soil there.

I'm going to grow palms and other stuff in there, I think. As a barrier, create a 'yard' space, in front of the future carport. With large rainforesty, tropical things growing at the back, to make shade for gingers and broms in the understory in front. Look how brown is the grass.

The front looks neat - I am just satisfyingly feeling like I am getting somewhere with this garden now. I still have plants to put in the garden beds, it's just the chooks - I am fearful of them digging and uprooting anything new!

The photos don't really show the lovely colours - all the pinks and crimsons. They do show the dryness and browning off though!

And the side - I whipped all the weeds yesterday.

How it all looked before I moved in -

As the trees came down -

 And now, in the sunset:

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