Saturday, March 3, 2018

Garden shots - start of March 2018

We've had so much rain lately, and for over a week, I could not mow, mainly because I was at work in the hours during which I would normally like to be in the garden. It has also been so very hot and humid. Yesterday and today, I got on to it, and restored some sense of order, although I badly need to whipper-snip. Thing is, about 3 weeks ago, I hurt my rib and it has not yet recovered (doctor next week).

So, the lawn is mowed and it's tidy enough for now, though not to my standards! My sore rib prevents me from wanting to be in the garden, which is not how I like things at all.

However, I do like it neat. It looks like a park. I am happy to see that the plants along the fence are filling out, and the jacaranda is much taller than me now!

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