Monday, April 16, 2018


Strybos are back this morning (Dan and Zach) to complete some small jobs - earth the 6 lights in the smaller rooms of the house. This involves removing the roof sheets, and wiring them from up there.

Also installing power points out the back of the house, where I would like to relocate the laundry, and on the verandah where I like to connect the fan on a hot day.

Also, Ashley is there with his bob-cat hole digger, drilling holes for the posts which will hold up the upper part of my fence.
Ashely's truck out front with all his great and the cute little blue bobcat
Dan on my roof, doing the wiring.
Ashley digging in the holes for the new posts to hold up the upper sections of fence mesh.

Post holes. I thought he might get them all concreted in today, but alas, the supplier had run out of posts today. Also, Ashley's co-worker was off work, and I think it's a two man job. It's true that things always seem to take longer, and cost more! Ugh.
I am thrilled that the edge of the garden is thickening up, as the planties grow.

Ashley on the bobcat.
Thanks, and bottoms up chappies!

Ashley on the 'bee' side.
Mum minding my place whilst I went back to work this afternoon.

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