Monday, May 14, 2018

2 new bougs

After struggling with azaleas and lavender in the front garden beds, and with nothing surviving very well - mainly due to chookie digging and interference -  I have decided to plant bougainvilleas, and clip them to shape over the beds. At least they give lovely colour all year round, and the spikes will keep the chooks away from digging.

This one is growing well, in the bed with the flame tree - a lovely orangey pinky colour. I want to keep it shaped, but the spikes at the moment have such gorgeous colour that I can't bring self to clip it! Maybe when it gets too long. Let's call this one 'boug 4'.

This is Zinnabar - I've had one before but cut it with the whipper-snipper! So, I'm trying again in the garden bed. It has a gentler pinky colour, sort of muted musk.

This one is 'Temple Fire' - orange and pink. I loved the name. Bought all three from Marie at the markets (Sunday morning, Ipswich).

I hope the chooks don't interfere with their growth!

Update 14 Jan 2019 - I did away with the garden beds, and moved the bougs to new locations. See this blog post.

8 Sept 2019 - this is the orangey one, boug 4, now in full bloom despite the drought we have been having - the one from the very top photo on this post. It's beautiful.

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