Thursday, September 20, 2018

Current jacaranda #2 - died!

Today, 10 Oct, I think she is dead. The little bumps that I thought were shoots have not produced anything. When I scratch the bark, it is moist but brown.

Well, last year it was green, green, green, and shoots all over. This was her in Jan 2018:

This year, at least in mid-Sept, the tree is tall, but is just sticks. I did scratch the surface of the bark not long ago, and it was green, so I am hoping that means there WILL BE leaves this year. It lost all the leaves quite early in the winter and has looked so forlorn since, I despair. So sad looking.

This is her as of this date (13 Sept, 2018). The drought has a lot to answer for.

I do miss those leaves.

P.S. - Yes, she had died. I pulled her out and have put in a frangipani as a temporary measure. I would like to try another jac there, and have asked for a plant for my birthday this year (11 Dec, 2018).

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