Tuesday, September 11, 2018

White crepe myrtle buds! + updates

The last time this flowered was earlier this year (Jan 5), and lo today we have a bud again. I love this plant, and it has gradually grown in size over the 3 years I have had it.

So, let's hope the flowering is good this year - I have tried to keep it watered, but the drought no doubt has had an effect.

The bud is almost imperceptible...but hopefully, it is a harbinger of what is to come...

This is what it looks like during much of the winter months - just sticks!:

30 Sept 2018 - some significant new budding growth!

Update 16 Nov 2018: She's looking very healthy at the moment, and much larger this year, with all her leaves and 'dressing'!

23 Nov 2018: And here she is, with new buds, about to flower. Such a pretty tree.

2 Dec 2018: We have flowers! Welcome, Ms Myrtle. I've missed you.

15 Dec 2018 - she is beautiful, and getting so tall.

2 January 2019: Look at this beautiful girl, in full bloom!

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