Friday, November 9, 2018

Ficus #1 passes 3rd marker!

At last, this ficus, which I have been watering quite fullsomely lately, has finally gone over the third ridge in the corrugated iron of m back fence!

See previous notes re-this ficus. This is where it was up to, a month or so ago - Sept 2018 :

I have been waiting for this point for 3 years. I so want it to cover the fence, and help hold the old fence together!

I remember the garden guy at the nursery around the corner, where I purchased this vine, telling me 'woah, they need a bit of water', meaning they need A LOT of water, hence my prolific watering so far this season.

15 Nov 2018: 

23 Nov 2018: We have a lot of rain recently, and I have left the hose dripping on this plant. There is, consequently, a host of new growth, so it appears to be true that they 'like a bit of water' as the nursery man once said to me. So, in appreciation of recent rapid growth, I will keep the moisture up to it this seasons and see how much she travels across the fence.

Here are pics of different regions of the fence/plant. I love the variation in colour between the older and new light leaves.

2 April, 2019 - It has grown and spread a lot this year.

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