Thursday, November 29, 2018

Flame tree staked

This tree has grown well, but after a strong wind yesterday, I came home to find that it had almost ripped itself out of the ground.

So, I went out and staked it up more securely. Hopefully, this will help it establish a stronger footing and a stronger trunk.

I left the hose dribbling on it all day today, to help the roots.

4 May 2019:

10 Sept, 2019 -  It's a long time since we've had any meaningful rain, and the weather people predict another 4 months without it. Terrible.

Here's the flame tree stake as of today - the trunk looks sturdy enough but I am not keen on the lean and will not take the stake away for a while yet. The upper limbs are still thin and I worry they will just collapse if I take away the support. I'm ok with all the support stuff in place until the tree becomes much bigger.

5 Oct 2019 -  Still staked, although looking as though her trunk could probably support her now.

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