Thursday, February 28, 2019

Flowery skirt

Given me by Diana Szeto. I love the flowers.

Karen drum

I'm going to bang my Karen drum to produce some rain, offer it some food and fruit, and examine the decorations on it for interest.

Lots of great drum info HERE

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Poinsettia + updates

Tracey (work colleague) gave me this for Christmas Secret Santa last year. I was going to throw it out, but thought I would plant it, to see what happened. It's still's a white one so if it lives, it will suit the garden.

30 March 2019: It appears to be growing!

10 May, 2019: Def growing!

27 May 2019 - looking lovely, like it's Christmas.

15 June, 2019 - Growing up a bit -

13 July, 2019 - going well still. It has had two drinks of diluted Seasol this week, so hopefully that will push is along some.

I really don't know how big it will grow, perhaps I should keep it in a pot for a while.

  • Get your Poinsettias to bloom by dark treatment of Poinsettias! Poinsettias have to be forced into putting on a display of colour out of season in the Southern Hemisphere. 
    To get the bracts to change colour by Christmas, they are kept in the dark for at least 14 hours a day from mid spring, usually between 5pm and 8am.
  • Protect the plants from light by placing them in a dark closet between 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM daily.
  • Exposure to even the slightest amount of artificial light during this period will inhibit flowering.
  • After 40 days of this treatment, the plants can be kept in normally lighted rooms.
  • With water, fertilizer, and 60-70 degree F night temperatures, the plants will flower during December.
  • After the plants begin to drop their leaves, withhold water to encourage dormancy, and store in a cool location (50-60 degrees F).

20 Nov 2019 - 

12 Jan 2020 - I decided it wasn't progressing so well in the ground and the position was in the way, so I've repotted it for the time being.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Marelli Agnelli

Died 23 Feb 2019.

One beautiful image of a study in one of her homes - this is in her Marrakech Garden House.

No reason why my own study can't look like a version of this.

New garden piece in the mail

Bought this from Facebook Marketplace - $18 for the lot. Good value, I reckon.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Granny Flat article

Some good advice HERE

and legal arrangements with Councils HERE

Brisbane Council Regulations HERE

Building costs for one HERE

Verandah decor

Enlarge and paint onto boards:

Special Sunday visitor - red dragonfly

I don't think I've seen one in my garden before, and the red color is lovely. I managed to capture him before he flitted quite away.

Sunday 24 Feb - spent bougy blossoms

Beautiful things blown around by the wind:

New plant - red hibiscus with variegated foliage

Bought from Salvos Shop in Coal St, Booval.

23 April, 2019: A beautiful bloom

New plant - butterfly iris

Bought from Salvos plant nursery, in Coal St, Bundamba.

Just sticks at the moment!

11 Nov 2019 - I do believe this is one of them about to open, finally!

13 Nov 2019 - it opened and I missed getting a pic of it! The bloom only lasted on day and here are the dregs left. I hope some more of them flower.

24 Nov 2019 - Another bloom!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Still so terribly dry

No rain yet. I used the sprinkler for a short while but I'm not sure it made much difference.

New rocks and brick garden bed edging

Bought some rocks from Facebook Marketplace, and had them delivered. Spent the afternoon gardening and arranging rock placement. Then made half a garden bed edge with the bricks. Will use them until I can get more rocks to continue to edging up the whole garden.

I also placed a few rocks strategically around the garden bed, for a decorative, established look.