Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Poinsettia + updates

Tracey (work colleague) gave me this for Christmas Secret Santa last year. I was going to throw it out, but thought I would plant it, to see what happened. It's still's a white one so if it lives, it will suit the garden.

30 March 2019: It appears to be growing!

10 May, 2019: Def growing!

27 May 2019 - looking lovely, like it's Christmas.

15 June, 2019 - Growing up a bit -

13 July, 2019 - going well still. It has had two drinks of diluted Seasol this week, so hopefully that will push is along some.

I really don't know how big it will grow, perhaps I should keep it in a pot for a while.

  • Get your Poinsettias to bloom by dark treatment of Poinsettias! Poinsettias have to be forced into putting on a display of colour out of season in the Southern Hemisphere. 
    To get the bracts to change colour by Christmas, they are kept in the dark for at least 14 hours a day from mid spring, usually between 5pm and 8am.
  • Protect the plants from light by placing them in a dark closet between 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM daily.
  • Exposure to even the slightest amount of artificial light during this period will inhibit flowering.
  • After 40 days of this treatment, the plants can be kept in normally lighted rooms.
  • With water, fertilizer, and 60-70 degree F night temperatures, the plants will flower during December.
  • After the plants begin to drop their leaves, withhold water to encourage dormancy, and store in a cool location (50-60 degrees F).

20 Nov 2019 - 

12 Jan 2020 - I decided it wasn't progressing so well in the ground and the position was in the way, so I've repotted it for the time being.

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