Sunday, March 31, 2019

Latest growth of Lindy's frangi

I just think she is beautiful!

6 May, 2019: As the cooler weather approaches, the leaves are getting rust on them, I guess before they fall off for the season.

17 Sept 2019 - we have been though all the stages of leaves off through the winter. Now that Spring is here, there are signs of new flower growth! It has just been so terribly dry for almost 2 years, that I am not sure anything is growing as per 'normal'.

23 Sept 2019 - 

27 Sept 2019 - 

3 Jan 2020 - She has grown even more tall, and is even sprouting from the end which I accidentally knocked off many weeks ago. I have planted that section over the bins. I have been watering her judiciously so maybe that has helped?

12 Jan 2020 - 

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