Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cherry allamanda+ updates

Allamanda cathartica 'Cherry Ripe' (Allamanda)
Plant description
Allamanda cathartica 'Cherry Ripe' is an evergreen climbing shrub with glossy green foliage. It is fast growing, and has large, showy pink flowers in summer and autumn. It is frost tender, so is suitable for tropical, sub-tropical and warm, sheltered spots in temperate climates. It can be trained to cover fences and arbours, and also a standard. It is a good container plant.

Allamanda likes a fertile soil, and regular watering. Prune in early spring to encourage new flowering growth, and to shape the plant to the desired size. Fertilise in the warmer months.

Allamanda can become invasive in some areas.

The plant exudes a milky sap, which can be a skin irritant.
Additional plant information
Flower colour: pink
Flowering season: summer autumn
Plant size
Maximum height: 3 metres
Minimum height: 2.5 metres
Maximum width: 2 metres
Minimum width: not specified
Sunlight, frost & salt tolerance
This plant will tolerate full or partial sunlight.
Light frost tolerance.
Plant is not salt tolerant.
Fauna attracting?
Yes. Attracts: Butterflies, birds.
This plant species will grow in the following climates: temperate, subtropical, tropical.
Soil types & conditions
Loam: moist, well-drained.
Clay: moist, well-drained.
Sand: moist.
Soil pH: 6.0-7.5
Miscellaneous information
Planting season: Any.
Types of fertiliser: Good general purpose fertiliser.

Here's mine: It loves water.

April 6, 2019: Morning shot in my garden

20 Oct 2019 - Not long after the above photos, a drought ensued when I tried to keep things alive with hosing but this plant died back, right down to sticks.

I noticed just recently that it is beginning to shoot again - yay!

10 Jan 2020- 

16 Jan 2020 - 

22 Jan 2020 - It's come back beautifully. The rain has made all the difference.

25 Jan 2020 - Here she is the twilight, after I had mowed the lawn late afternoon. We had a heavy shower of rain during the previous night. She seems to like that water.

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