Friday, April 26, 2019

Citrus tree - baby lemons!

I've had this in a pot for some time. It has recently shown some enthusiasm for growth. I must put it in the ground. Probably right in the spot where the neighbours can see my yard from their balcony. I think this is an orange - could be a lemon. I really should take better care of it.

13 July, 2019 -  I put it in the ground and have given it two drinks of Seasol this week. Already I can see a difference, in new shoots and buds for fruiting-flowers.

Still can't remember whether it is an orange or lemon, but pretty sure it is the latter. A meyer lemon, I think. Poor neglected thing. I hope it comes good and grows big and tall.

20 July, 2019 - 

28 July, 2019 - 

27 August, 2019 - Lots of baby lemons appearing on the tree!

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