Wednesday, June 19, 2019

New red Chinese lantern, abutilon #1 + updates

Hope this grows. Bought from Vinnies last weekend, just before it rained! Such a pretty red.

6 July, 2019 - It seems to have taken. I was a bit worried when several leaves and red buds fell off when first transplanted, but I notice new growth starting, so I am hopeful of a beautiful bush!

13 July, 2019 - All the flowers have now dropped off - shame, as I thought some were growing ok. There is a breeze today, so this photo is not well focussed, but it does show new shoots all over the plant. It has had two drinks of diluted Seasol this week, which should push it along some.

15 Sept 2019 - first new flower!

16 Sept 2019 - new little red buds too!

17 Sept 2019 - 

20 Sept 2019 - 

27 Sept 2019 - 

19 Oct 2019 - I have been pinching out the top new growth to try to get it to bush up more. It seems to be working.

25 Oct 2019 - 

20 Nov 2019 - I pruned it a bit to maintain a ball shape., so it will grow taller and more compact, I hope.

See new posts for 2020 at 'abutilon'.

This is it now in June 2021 - it has done very well.

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