Sunday, July 7, 2019

Azaleas with proper flowers!

A while ago, when arranging the new veggie bed positions, I moved the azaleas yet again into 3 of the beds, just because I wasn't sure I would fill up all the beds with veg.

They have struggled in pots and other locations for a long time, and I hoped they would fare better here.

I added loads of coffee grounds from the cafe at school, as apparently they like an acid environment. I hoped the extra space for their roots to grow would help them flourish. And then I waited.

We have had some rain recently, and this morning I noticed with joy that the white ones are coming out in lovely blooms! Well, one so far. I love the slightly pink colour, 'just blush', with a wee red streak.

10 June 2019 - I have never seen the azaleas standing up so well, nor looking as if they are about to take off before. Today, they are looking great! I 'slimed' the beds yesterday evening - I added seasol in watering cans of water. I hope it does something good!

White 1

12 July 2019 - Look how she has picked up in the last few days! Me so happy!

White 2

The actual red/dark pink azalea is still somewhat 'iffy' - maybe it will come good in time.

12 July 2019: she is standing, and opening up much better today.

15 July 2019 - White 2 - Best I've seen it looking!

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