Monday, July 29, 2019

Weekend afternoon in the garden

I spent a very busy weekend mostly outside, in the garden, trying to keep things neat and well cared for. I tended the veggies, watering and fertilising them, and guiding the direction of their growth. 

I mowed the lawns inside and outside the fence. I watered the area in John's Garden. 

On Saturday afternoon, I sat up one corner of the garden drinking a glass of wine as the sun went down. I had to fend Mum off as I wanted to stay home until it was dark. She was wanting me over to cook. I have so little time to enjoy my life. 

Sunday came and I really did not feel like doing anything, but had to vacuum the top end of the house, clean the toilet and wash the floors, shook out and aired my pillows and quilts, and changed the sheets.

I noticed the corner of the garden near the front gate looked like the lawn was very green and looked good with the pavers.

It was a beautiful two days, and now, I am exhausted, not rested, and annoyed with family.

This morning before work (Monday), I washed the car, bought another thuja for the front garden at The Salvos plant shop ($6), took stuff to the Salvos Op Shop.

I am still trying hard to vacuum the lower half of the house, and need four bags of potting mix so I can put my olive trees in their own pots and change the pots for the two ficus standards at the front of the house.

I did not sleep well last night, and feel driven to get things done. My hands are sore with effort and with arthritis.

One lovely thing - I managed to give the cats their flea tabs last night, and Tutti was so affectionate - she stayed close to me, purring, all night!

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