Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kitties love a scratching pad

Colleague gave me this that her cat did not need. Mine love it!

It's's MINE!

Flowering gum

I'd like a couple of gum trees in the yard.  A paperbark and a red flowering gum.

One like this -

and a red one 

Two new petunia pots

As this spot over the access hole to the drain is so open to the road, I thought I would try to make it pretty by putting a couple of lots of petunias in, and have them explode into colour, hopefully. Makes it easier on the eye from the road.

I moved the salvias which were in the lower green pot to the bigger garden around the front, near the bougainvillea. The other bunch of salvias are doing very well in that area, so...
There was also a wee spot needing to be filled, so that's where I planted them.

We are supposed to get some rain in the next day or three (or so they say) so that will help them settle in.

23 Oct 2019 - bloomin' marvellous!

New azalea

Such a beautiful colour. I am hoping it grows well.

Potted the olives + updates

I don't really like the open 'vase'-ey shape but that has been done as it is supposed to allow the air to pass through the leaves and repel diseases. I hope they thicken up in the pots, and then I can put them in bigger ones, barrels maybe.

1 Oct 2019 - They appear to be doing well, with loads of new shoots. I want them to bush out a lot more.

12 July 2020 -

I had previously put them into larger pots, and as winter came, I perhaps was watering them a little too much. All the leaves fell off, and I thought I may have killed them.

However, I noticed some shoots a few days ago, and lo! - today they are looking good again. I am considering putting these trees in the ground but will wait until the shed is in place before deciding on a location.

New min-a-mins + updates

So I can get them growing into balls on top of the pots.

and create an area like this - (Mark Sikes)

French beans

Bpought this punnet a weekend or two ago and finally planted them yesterday (monday morning). I put three in two garden beds, to see whether the soil makes a difference between their growth.

They look like they might be ok, eventually.

2 Sept , 2019

15 Oct 2019 - These seem to be particularly slow growing, but there ARE baby beans on the vine!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ghost chair

I was going to sell this, but I can't. It's too nice. I still don't know where to put it for best effect though. Maybe I can find a spot in the lounge.

Kitties on da bed

25 August, 2019 -

26 August, 2019 -

28 Sept, 2019 -

18 October, 2019 -

6 Nov 2019 -

Symmetry on 10 Nov 2019 -

13 Nov 2019 - Teenie and Taffy - wonderfully made!

1 Dec 2019 -  Mama wants to change the sheets but the girls are having none of it!!

Fat Taffy wants all Mama's attention! No computer, no paperwork, no laundry-folding - just Taffy!

16 October, 2020 - Alas, Taffy has left us and we are two cats now, Tutti and Teenie.

27 Oct 2020 - 

4 Nov 2020 - 

Cycling and panniers

Friday, August 23, 2019

End of winter grape vine sprig

Such a lovely, and exciting, surprise to see the first new leaves, and I haven't even had time to prune the vines yet!

I pruned them yesterday (Sunday 25 August) - sadly, that little leaf came off. I am hoping I am not too late or have done damage to the fruiting.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Washing hose time again - the big dry

Everything is so, so dry, it's time to get the hoses out from the washing machine, to see if it makes a difference.

7 Sept 2019 -  Saturday - cleaning and laundry day. Good time for the hose on the lawn.