Wednesday, January 29, 2020


31 May 2020 - Through the screen, looking into the living room - it was a warm and cosy evening.

Kitty antics

Mitsy the cat from next-door (Cheryl's) frequently comes over here to sit and even comes inside to eat my babies food.

She is becoming a pest but I can't make myself be nasty to her. My cats fight with her - especially Taffy and Teenie. Tutti tries to feign indifference.

Views of the poinciana + seeds!

27 Nov 2020 - Flowers again! 

29 Jan 2020 - 

22 April 2020 -

Seeds produced! 30 July 2020 - 

2 August 2020 - 

From this - 26 Nov, 2017 - 

Min a min

So these little plants are flowering right now, as are the murrayas. Such pretty wee things.

New leaves on flame tree 2020 + updates

Beautiful little things they are too. I can't remember there being so many before, nor so cute and gorgeous looking.

30 Jan 2020 - 

3 Feb 2020 - I trimmed the number of branches coming off the top of the plant and limited it to just a few. The leaves seem to be growing more quickly as a result.

5 Feb 2020 -

22 April, 2020 - 

1 June 2020 - she is looking quite lush and leafy at the moment (7am).

12 July 2020 -  she has been on quite the lean for some time, and I have decided to try to straighten her up with stakes.

Monday, January 27, 2020

How gorgeous is my garden?

I am beginning to get the feel that we are all on the 'up' now. That is, establishment has been made, and they are growing bigger and stronger.

I wonder how it will look in another 5 years, as the trees become huge? It's so exciting. It gives me such peace and relaxation. Plus a lot of work keeping everything trimmed, mown and tidied (re edges).

Flowers inside the house -

29 Jan 2020 -  Glorious profusion of foliages!

30 Jan 2020 -

New wheelbarrow wheel

Thanks SO much to Dubbs for buying me this for Christmas! She is serving me so well!


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bee rest

I have had this blue plate in this position, on a plinth in the middle under the main arch for years now. I decided to add water to the clear glass marbles I have there, and a small sponge so that bees and butterflies could have a rest and a drink there. Haven't seen any using it though!

2 little bougs for the neighbours side

Almost a month ago, I bought two little bougs from the Salvos. Had no idea what colour they were. One (on the left of the two) is growing very well indeed, but as yet no flower.

The one on the right has been slow to take off, but I noticed this morning a flower or two! and it is, gratifyingly, a pretty pink one.

7 April 2020 -  looking bigger now - 

Work - found a new tree and other things

Taffy does not want me to work on the things I have to do!

At the place where I now work, there are some lovely trees. This poinciana is in front of the main Admin building.

This tree is a native, and has pretty pink puff-balls growing along it's branches. It's a EUODIA, and apparently attracts birds and butterflies.

I've ordered one from Daley's nursery.