Wednesday, January 1, 2020

First photos of 2020

I surveyed what I have and am grateful for all. I'm starting with a garden jungle at the front this year. The fence line is almost filled in, and it's all very pretty. Progress has been pleasing despite drought. This will be the fifth full year of the garden development.

First coffee of 2020 -

The smaller white crepe myrtle is flowering.

The blue butterfly bushes have done better than I ever thought, and are such a lovely addition.

What's not to like about all this?

Lawn still recovering from drought. I am letting it grow for a few days before I tidy it up again with a mow.

A beautiful plethora of foliage!

The white crepe myrtle is beginning to flower.

Such a beautiful tree.

First rosebud of 2020.

This year will be the year of the 'big house paint job', amongst other things.

2 Jan 2020 - The first whip-snip, hedge trim and mow of 2020!

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