Thursday, April 30, 2020

Teenie sleeping

And a little gift left for me this morning. Not sure who caught it, but Teena was very interested!

9 May 2020 - Teenie lazy

Change to work

I moved from part-time to full time. So glad. Happy to have less stress although of course the money is a problem. I am keen to use the extra time to improve bits around the house.

With my new timetable at work, having gone part-time (.6FTE), and feeling so much better about that, I have made a pledge to self to use this time between May and Dec 4, when my contract finishes, to do loads of things which need doing around the house. I am gratefuol for the time and less work pressure.

To be honest, it's clear to me now that I hate teaching and after this stint, never want to step into a teaching role in a school again, unless it's on my terms and about something I love. Hate the marking and planning involved mostly. Kids are usually nice, except for the odd class clown, and usually boys.

New Ttable

Old Ttable

So relieved.

Taffy has surgery

She had surgery yesterday to remove a mammary gland lump, and a cyst on her right eye. Poor kitty. She is hating the Elizabethan collar she has to wear for a few days. I'll find out in a day or so whether her lumps were cancerous and what her prognosis is. Spent over a grand but she is my precious, and I want her for years to come. She is so affectionate.

Painting begins again

With my new timetable at work, having gone part-time (.6FTE), and feeling so much better about that, I have made a pledge to self to use this time between May and Dec 4, when my contract finishes, to do loads of things which need doing around the house.

Painting is the biggie, along with getting a carport and shed. SO, I made a start with the painting today. Could only do an hour as Mum wants me to take her and John to Riverlink this morning - I guess my life is going to full of that kind of thing for the foreseeable future - so time is limited again.

I like the way it's looking at the back. I love this Dulux Domino colour. It just looks so smart and understated.

Me, unwashed and in my painting rags!

4 May - Labour Day holiday - 

I did the back steps, a few lower poles, and the first upright on the verandah!

5 May - Completed the step area and underneath them in the morning.

6 May - finished the under=fence section out the back today. Now thinking to paint the main fence a light green colour? Maybe.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Latest ‘Then and Now’

July 2015 -

April 2020 -

Aug 1, 2015 -

April, 2020 -

May 5, 2020 - 

Purple leaf, white flower

Kitties in the Autumn sunshine

A beautiful Autumn morning. Going to be 29 C today. Lovin' it.

And me, swinging on the verandah...this is the life I want. No stress, just pottering about.

Lady and cat - a fav pic from Beijing.

Pink coral above the back

The bees love it, and I can hear their loud buzzing when I go outside.


The fallen blooms make a lovely pink mess at the back.

And I have St.John's Cross spider in residence - 

4 May 2020 -


Found out what it is, at last. Bought this little from the Salvos, and saw it at Bunnings eventually.

5 April, 2020 -

22 April, 2020 -