Thursday, April 30, 2020

Change to work

I moved from part-time to full time. So glad. Happy to have less stress although of course the money is a problem. I am keen to use the extra time to improve bits around the house.

With my new timetable at work, having gone part-time (.6FTE), and feeling so much better about that, I have made a pledge to self to use this time between May and Dec 4, when my contract finishes, to do loads of things which need doing around the house. I am gratefuol for the time and less work pressure.

To be honest, it's clear to me now that I hate teaching and after this stint, never want to step into a teaching role in a school again, unless it's on my terms and about something I love. Hate the marking and planning involved mostly. Kids are usually nice, except for the odd class clown, and usually boys.

New Ttable

Old Ttable

So relieved.

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